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Elementary School

Arise elementary

Learning Made Easy

Our courses are based on the Wisconsin State Standards and taught by certified teachers who provide age-appropriate instruction and 1:1 support. Our online curriculum provides real-life applications and activities, which enables your child to develop independence as he or she progresses through each lesson.

Weekly Commitment  & Learning Activities

Experience live instruction and learning both at the computer and through hands-on activities, as well as opportunities to explore interests and connect with teachers and classmates outside of the classroom.

Amount of Time


3-5 hours a week per core course
 study times and places that work best for you

Computer-based Learning

child working from home

reading, playing games, interactive learning tools, listening to audio clips, and watching videos

Number of Assignments

2-5 per core course per week
1 per specials course per week

Hands on Learning

hands on learning

online tasks, projects, performing experiments, and other hands-on activities

Parent Responsibility

AVA partners with parents to ensure student success. Parents regularly connect with teachers and can review student progress and grades at any time. Parents of elementary-age students are more hands-on and involved in guiding students and assisting with projects or schoolwork that may be completed both on and away from the computer. This on-site supervision and support are critical in the early years, while students in older grades begin to work more independently.

Parents are required to monitor their student daily, ensure students are making weekly progress in the course, ensure their student is learning the content, and help their student navigate through the course.


how to enroll

How To Enroll