Charter Board Information
2024-2025 Minutes
2023/2024 Minutes
- June 19, 2024
- May 15. 2024
- April 17, 2024
- March 27, 2024
- February 21, 2024
- January 17th, 2024
- November 15, 2023
- October 18, 2023
- September 20, 2023
- August 16, 2023
June 19, 2024
ARISE Virtual Academy Board Meeting June 19th, 2024 – 4:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m.
Virtual Meeting- Microsoft Teams
- Call to order Action
- Review and Approval of May Minutes Discussion & Action 5 minutes
- New Business-
- • Introduction of potential Board Member- James Davidson Discussion & Action 20 minutes
- • Vote on new Board Member- James Davidson
- • Other
- Principals Report- Patty Hernandez Information & Discussion 20 minutes
- PAC Report- Kim Churchill Information & Discussion 15 minutes
- Updates on AVA Charter School Contract for DPI Discussion & Action 15 minutes
- Updates on Nonstock Corporation Status & Non-Profit Filing Discussion 15 minutes
- Adjourn Action
May 15. 2024
ARISE Virtual Academy Board Meeting May 15th, 2024
4:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m. ARISE Lab – 450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
- Call to order
- Review and Approval of March Minutes Action Discussion & Action 5 minutes
- Principals Report- Patty Hernandez Information & Discussion 20 minutes
- PAC Report- Kim Churchill Discussion & Action 10 minutes
- Updates on AVA Charter School Contract for DPI Discussion & Action 15 minutes
- Updates on AVA Policy & Procedures Action 15 minutes
- Updates on Nonstock Corporation Status & Non-Profit Filing Discussion 15 minutes
- Develop Principal Transition Plan Discussion 5 minutes
- New Business Discussion 5 minutes
- Adjourn Action
April 17, 2024
ARISE Virtual Academy Board Meeting April 17th, 2024 – 4:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m. ARISE Lab – 450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
- Call to order
- Review and Approval of March Minutes Action Discussion & Action 5 minutes
- Principals Report- Patty Hernandez Information & Discussion 20 minutes
- PAC Report- Kim Churchill Discussion & Action 10 minutes
- Review and Approval of AVA Charter School Contract for DPI Discussion & Action 25 minutes
- Review and Approval of AVA Bylaws Action 5 minutes
- Review and Discussion of Nonstock Corporation Status & Non-Profit Filing Discussion 15 minutes
- Develop Principal Transition Plan Discussion 5 minutes
- New Business Discussion 5 minutes
- Adjourn Action
March 27, 2024
Arise Virtual Academy
Board Meeting
March 27, 2024
ARISE Lab – 450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
I. Call to Order 4:04pm
- Board Members Present: Dana Leikness, Kiva Gittings Graves, Craig Schultz,
- Emily Matteson, Lisa Fenrick, Kim Churchill
- Administration Present: Patricia Hernandez
- Absent: Kurt Saterbak
II. Review and Approval of Minutes
- Craig motion to approve February 21, 2024 minutes. Lisa seconded the motion. Board approved.
- Review and approval of minutes from November 15, 2023 and January 17,2024 were completed via email prior to the start of the meeting.
III. Principal’s Report by Patricia Hernandez
- Current enrollment: 209 students and 2 students came this week (pre-expelled).
- Staffing PD next week – March cancelled.
- Student achievement – forward testing started. A couple families wanted to opt out, but Patty reached out since this can impact state report card. Families agreed to testing.
- Budget update: $2600.00 balance.
- Credit recovery going great. Will include an additional 13 courses next year.
- Go-baby go very successful. Will participate next year as well.
- Attendance – still good above district and state
- Working on fostering school culture. Field trip MKE was success. Did ice skating trip as well. This week kids were asking where they could go next.
- Challenges – elementary school (low enrollment)
- Math was position was filled by an LTE. Currently reviewing 9 applicants.
- Working transition plan for principal. Staffing is due to Janesville School District Board on April 9th
IV. PAC Report by Kim Churchill
- Challenge to get parents engaged.
- Will set date/time for PAC meeting.
- Teacher appreciation – first week of May.
V. Review AVA Charter School Contract for DPI
- Reviewed draft contract. Edits made.
- Members present agreed to Patty, Kiva, and Kim holding a second working session to prepare the rest of the document for the board to review and approve prior to the next board meeting. All board members have access to the document located in a shared drive and can add comments questions or conduct additional review prior to the next meeting.
VI. Review and Discussion of AVA Bylaws
- Group reviewed and edits were suggested.
- Final draft to be reviewed and voted in upcoming meeting.
VII. Review and Approval of AVA Policy & Procedure: AVA Live Lesson Policy
- Patty shared edits from staff review. Board agreed to adopt edits.
- Final draft to be reviewed and voted in upcoming meeting.
VIII. Review and Approval of AVA Policy & Procedure: AVA Student and Parent Contract
- Patty shared edits from staff review. Board agreed to adopt edits.
- Final draft to be reviewed and voted in upcoming meeting.
IX. Review and Discussion of Nonstock Corporation Status & Non-Profit Filing.
- Board discussion.
- Patty will complete report to send to Department of Financial Institutions which is needed to re-instate ARISE board as a non-stock corporation.
- No action to file for non-profit status at this time.
X. Develop Principal Transition Plan
- Pending more information from the district.
XI. Adjourn
- Meeting adjourned at 5:31pm.
February 21, 2024
Arise Virtual Academy Board Meeting
February 21, 2024
ARISE Lab – 450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
I. Call to Order 4:05pm
- Board Members Present: Dana Leikness, Kiva Gittings Graves, Craig Schultz
- Administration Present: Patricia Hernandez
- Absent: Kurt Saterbak, Emily Matteson, Lisa Fenrick, Kim Churchill
II. Review and Approval of Minutes from November 15, 2023 and January 17, 2024.
- Postponed due to not enough members present.
- Will send out via email to board members.
III. Principal’s Report by Patricia Hernandez
- Enrollment up 50 students. Students leaving current school situation for various issues including bullying and student anxiety
- Offering peer counseling.
- Middle school 23 kids
- Trialing credit recovery – if going well, will consider new program next year specially for credit recovery.
- Go Baby Go program going well.
- Hitting attendance goals.
- Good attendance at Discovery World and 42 kids went bowling
- Potential future trips – Kalahari, Zoo or Trampoline Park
- Concern about elementary numbers.
- Use of AI is up – increased meetings with students. Discussed current strategies being used to educate kids and work collaboratively with kids and families.
IV. PAC Report by Kim Churchill
- Kim provided update via email.
- Sign-up Genius has been created - as of yet no responses; thinking I will ask mentors to reach out to parents and remind of the link.
- Email went out to those who have completed PAC form asking for snack donations for the lab Kim plans to reach out to those who have completed the form individually within the next month to introduce myself.
- Will need to schedule one meeting this year.
V. Review AVA Charter School Contract for DPI
- Projected the 2024 contract and reviewed as a group.
- Members present agreed to Patty and Kiva holding a working session to prepare the rest of the document for the board to review and approve prior to the next board meeting. All board members have access to the document located in a shared drive and can add comments questions or conduct additional review prior to the next meeting. Link will be resent to all board members.
VI. AVA Mission and Vision
- Postponed.
VII. New Business
- none
VIII. Next Meeting
- March 27th 4pm-5:30pm.
IX. Adjourn
- Meeting adjourned at 5:32pm.
January 17th, 2024
Arise Virtual Academy Board Meeting
January 17, 2024
ARISE Lab – 450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
I. Call to Order
- Board Members Present: Dana Leikness, Emily Matteson, Kiva Gittings Graves, Lisa Fenrick, Craig Schultz, Kim Churchill
- Administration Present: Patricia Hernandez
- Absent: Kurt Saterbak
II. Review and Approval of Minutes from November 15, 2023.
- Postponed due to not enough members present at start of the meeting.
III. Principal’s Report by Patricia Hernandez
- Student enrollment numbers reviewed.
- Formative assessment training – upcoming activity.
- Math teacher resignation and replacement strategy discussed.
- Discussion about how to grow the program.
- State report card reviewed.
- STARS scores are increasing.
- Update on teacher – student reading program. Note all 6th grade students are proficient or advanced.
- Fundraiser – Culvers brought in $813.62
- Next fundraiser event in April.
- Still working on NCAA Accreditation.
- Student innovation strategies – 3D printing area remains busy, and students are engaged when in the lab.
- Community Partnership – Farmer Market at Uptown Janesville – 7 families stopped for information.
- Holiday party was well attended, and kids engaged. Large amount of donations was provided to Boys & Girls club.
- Shine Medical partnership – progressing and update posted on social media.
- Dip in attendance in November and some students disengaged. Teachers worked hard to reengage students. Most were recovered with a few going to back to in-person schooling.
- Staff lunch 12/22 went well and staff were given choice of Arise hat/cap for gift.
- Update on statewide virtual school fair – networking with other schools. Possible option to have credit recovery program at ARISE.
- No follow up requested by board.
IV. PAC Report by Kim Churchill
- Kim provided update.
- Challenge to get engagement.
- Discussed options to engage parents.
V. Review AVA Charter School Contract for DPI
- Patty provided resources to board from WRCCS and emailed documents to the board.
- Discussion about suggestions from contact at WRCCS.
- Discussion about timeline and next steps.
- ACTION: Kiva will review the materials prior to the next meeting and bring back to board for discussion and review of contract.
VI. AVA By-laws edit
- Postponed as Kurt not in attendance at the meeting.
VII. New Business
- Discussion about Youth Apprenticeship – April 23rd, 2024. Looking to increase attendance.
- Discussion about WIOA
VIII. Next Meeting
- February 21, 2024
- Discussion that March meeting falls over district spring break. Agreed to move meeting to March 27th 4pm-5:30pm.
IX. Adjourn
- Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:32pm by Kim C and second by Emily M.
November 15, 2023
Arise Virtual Academy Board Meeting
November 15, 2023
ARISE Lab – 450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
I. Call to Order
- Dana Leikness called to order at 4:04pm.
- Board Members Present: Emily Matteson, Kiva Gittings Graves, Lisa Fenrick,Dana Leikness, Kurt Saterbak
- Administration Present: Patricia Hernandez
- Absent: Craig Schultz, Kim Churchill
II. Review and Approval of Minutes from October 23, 2023.
- Lisa f motion to approve minutes and Kurt S seconded.
- Board voted and approved.
III. Principal’s Report by Patricia Hernandez
- Report reviewed and discussed by board.
- Gratitude for teachers was well received by teachers and promoted positive atmosphere. Will do one additional request to solicit any additional feedback.
- Mastery Prep is in progress and hope to help students improve ACT/Pre-ACT scores.
- State Report Card came out. Full report will be shared with board as soon as allowable by district.
- Reviewed budget.
- Reminder Culvers Fundraiser coming up. Typically bring in $600-900 in funds.
- E-sports may evolve into a club format for now to help get students involved.
- Fab lab is open to students. AVA donated Christmas Tree and made ornaments.
- Good turn out on Field Trip – 30 students. Positive feedback.
- Famer Market community event was well attended – over 500 fliers handed out and 800 pieces of individual candy to kids.
- Will be participating in Winter Farmer Markets at Uptown Janesville.
- Pumpkin Social Media post had broad reach.
- Eleven new students.
- Student attendance numbers good.
- No follow up requested by board.
IV. Action Items – Policy Approvals
- Contract Policy – board reviewed the new policy template and agreed to use as standard template. Reviewed minor edits to the language. Requested AVA teachers review for any feedback. Board will review any final feedback at January meeting and reapprove the policy.
- Live Lesson/Google Meet Attendance Policy – Board agreed on the use of the standard new policy template.
- ACTION: Kiva will take the current approved Live Lesson/Google Meet Attendance Policy and put into template for January meeting.
V. PAC Report by Kim Churchill
- Kim unable to attend due to last minute conflict.
- ACTION: Board requested Kiva follow up with Kim to get PAC Report and Meeting information.
VI. Bylaws, Mission, Vision Discussion
- Board started group review of the bylaws and worked on edits as a group.
- Discussed a few areas where some standard language should be added and a discussed the need for a few sections to be added.
- ACTION: Kiva and Kurt will work on adding more language for the board to review at the January meeting.
- Deferred to February meeting.
VII. New business
- Exit survey discussion. Deferred to March meeting. Goal to have exit surveys in place by May 1st
- AVA Contract will end this year. Board will get a copy of the contact to review and request revisions.
- ACTION: Patty will send out the contract to the board.
- Mark Holzman, ??Title at JSD, shared a report of students who are in a different virtual school in the district. Patty will do outreach to families who have never attended AVA to inform them of the option, and she will do a separate outreach to students who may have attended AVA previously who may wish to come back. Board discussed that experience at AVA under prior administration and during COVID is different than AVA experience now, so families may wish to re-explore AVA as an option.
VIII. Next Meeting
- January 17, 2024
IX. Adjourn
- Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:33pm by Kurt S and second by Lisa F.
October 18, 2023
Arise Virtual Academy Board Meeting
October 18, 2023 Meeting held virtually.
I. Call to Order
- Kim Churchill called to order at 4:00pm.
- Board Members Present: Craig Schultz, Emily Matteson, Kiva Gittings Graves, Kim Churchill, Lisa Fenrick
- Administration Present: Patricia Hernandez,
- Absent: Dana Leikness, Kurt Saterbak
II. Review and Approval of Minutes from September 20, 2023.
- Kiva G motion to approve minutes and Craig S seconded.
- • Board voted and approved.
III. Principal’s Report by Patricia Hernandez
- Report reviewed and discussed by board.
- Report card will be available in November and Patty will have a presentation for the board.
- Discussion about barriers with e-sports but teachers are still working on getting it launched.
- Upcoming events – booth as farmer market in Janesville and on the waiting list for a trunk or treat event.
- Discussion about academic dishonesty and strategies to mitigate.
- No follow up requested by board.
IV. Action Items – Policy Approvals
- Contract Policy – board voted and approved with agreement to put into a standard template.
- Live Lesson/Google Meet Attendance Policy – board voted and approved with agreement to put into a standard template.
- Action Item: Kiva to put into standard template and bring to November board meeting for board to approve template.
V. PAC Report by Kim Churchill
- Kim sending out document to individuals who have shown interest. They can connect with Patty for more information too.
- Pumpkin carving contest for Halloween with rewards for winners.
- Working on engaging more parents.
- All new families get information on PAC.
VI. Bylaws, Mission, Vision Discussion
- Deferred to November meeting as Kurt was not able to attend.
- Action Item from September meeting: board members email suggestions to Kurt.
- Deferred to future meeting.
- Action Item: Kiva to include a link to a website with ideas.
- o 79 Examples of School Vision and Mission Statements (2023) (
VII. New business
- Exit survey discussion.
- Should ARISE be collecting more data on why students leave?
- Could a check-in be scheduled early on with student and parents to see how they are doing?
- Could the board play a role in this?
- Dana and Emily will start their term in their new roles at next meeting in
- November. Kim will follow up with Dana for the hand off.
- Kiva can send approved minutes and agendas to Mallory B at ARISE to be posted on the website.
- Dana will send agendas to Denise at the school district office prior to the board meeting.
VIII. Next Meeting
- November 15, 2023
IX. Adjourn
- Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:23pm by Kiva G and second by Kim C.
September 20, 2023
Arise Virtual Academy
Board Meeting
September 20, 2023
450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
I. Call to Order
- Facilitated by Secretary Kiva Gittings Graves at 4:00pm.
- Board Members Present: Craig Schultz, Kurt Saterbak, Emily Matteson, Kiva
- Gittings Graves, Dana Leikness
- Administration Present: Patricia Hernandez,
- Absent: Kim Churchill, Lisa Fenrick
II. Review and Approval of Minutes from August 16, 2023.
- Kurt S motion to approve minutes and Dana L seconded.
- Board voted and approved.
III. Principal’s Report by Patricia Hernandez
- Report attached.
- Note that there was a correction on the graphic as the numbers for Kindergarten and High School were reversed.
- Board agreed this format and level of details were appropriate.
- Board reviewed and discussed report.
- No follow up requested by board.
IV. Action Items – Policy Approvals
- Contract Policy: Discussion of the how this year’s process worked and possible improvements for next semester. Defer to next meeting for review and approval.
- Action Item: Patty to send our draft of policy for board to review prior to next meeting
V. PAC Report by Kim Churchill
- No report this meeting
VI. Officers for Board
- Board discussion on officers and recommended President and Vice President were needed for new school year.
- Kim C prior to the meeting indicted she did not wish to run for an office for the 2023-24 school year.
- Kiva G nominated Dana Leikness for President and Emily Matteson for Vice President and motioned to vote to approve and Kurt S seconded the nominations and motion to vote.
- Board voted and approved.
VII. Bylaws, Mission, Vision Discussion
- Discussed revisions that need to be made to the bylaws.
- Kurt S agreed to revise the bylaws and bring back to the next meeting for the board to review and approve.
- Action Item: board members email suggestions to Kurt.
- Discussed current mission and vision. Board agreed revisions could be made to improve and simplify.
- Board agreed to do an activity at the next meeting to start discussion on revisions.
- Action Item: Patty to send electronic copy of Mission/Vision Documents to Board.
VIII. New business
- Recommendation for discussion on exit surveys at future meeting.
- Kurt suggested that someone from ARISE Virtual Academy could participate in an event with First Lutheran Church and Janesville Rotary on Oct 7, 2023 to increase visibility of the program. Kurt will share information with Patty.
IX. Next Meeting
- October 18, 2023
X. Adjourn
- Motion to adjourn meeting at 5:30pm by Kurt S and second by Craig S.
- Board voted and approved.
August 16, 2023
Arise Virtual Academy Board Meeting
August 16, 2023
450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
I. Call to Order
- Board Members Present: Kim Churchill, Craig Schultz, Lisa Fenrick, Kurt Saterbak,
- Emily Matteson, Kiva Gittings Graves, Dana Leikness
- Administration Present: Patricia Hernandez
II. Review and Approval of Minutes from June 2023
III. Principal’s Report by Patricia Hernandez
AVA 23-24 School Year Readiness Update
- Door instillation is complete.
- New AVA window signs came in and will put up in room.
- No new information on sign for outside
- AVA is fully staffed for this school year.
- Offering Art and STEM courses this year
- Have 2 teachers for Physical Education
- Documents are all digital
- This will allow for improved tracking now that data can be sorted and filtered.
- AVA now has a website for staff and Dr. Hernandez is working with staff to ensure consistency in approach for teachers.
- o All documents and resources are stored on website.
- District is working to implement free transportation for all students - photo ID will be required.
- AVA will be offering photos during orientation for the IDs.
- Courses are not open yet, so enrollment has not started but anticipate courses opening as early as tomorrow 8.17.23
- Have several families coming for informational meetings in upcoming weeks.
- Open house 8.31.23
- Dr. Hernandez is working with staff to encourage more relationship building with students in the first few days of school to help improve the virtual learning experience.
- Marketing Update
- District will be sending out Community Connections to every household. Possible
- AVA information will be included – not confirmed.
- TV Advertisement
- Had meeting with over summer to discuss possible TV advertisement – no decisions we made.
- Have an upcoming meeting in October with Superintendent plus district marketing teams.
- With limited advertising budget, we need to have a better understanding of district goals for marketing prior to developing and executing a plan.
- Discussion about current AVA demographics for enrollment. Limited number of enrollees for elementary.
- Board discussion about possible opportunities for increasing awareness of AVA program including someone to consistently run social media for AVA.
Technology Platform for 23-24 school year
- Various vendors and cost were evaluated. Zoom was a preferrable platform by many; however contract was ended by district. Anticipate final decision on platform soon.
- Dr. Hernandez has set up a recurrent meeting with District IT to ensure AVA is getting appropriate service level support for staff and students.
- Policy changes for district – free or reduced costs
- Free or reduced lunches will not be offered to students at AVA this year.
- Dr. Hernandez is already getting calls from families related to this change.
- Board discussion about how to help support the students with food insecurities.
- Reductions for sports or other school fees are still being offered. Students can apply.
- AVA student performance data
- The school district will be releasing data soon on student performance.
- Data is still embargoed.
- Discussion about preliminary information that AVA students have had lower college readiness scores.
- Board questions about available data including demographic tracking.
- Discussion about how to help ensure enough is being done to support students for college readiness.
IV. Items for discussion and board vote
- School Calendar
- Board discussion on calendar for school year 23-24.
- Board voted and approved to align with Janesville Public School
- Calendar.
- AVA Policies
- Attendance policy
- Reviewed current process being used when student is truant.
- Board approved current process as a policy.
- Contract policy
- Contract is now a digital fillable form.
- Dr. Hernandez shared a demonstration of the new form.
- Board discussion about completion of form and process. Dr. Hernandez informed the board that some families did not complete the contract in the prior school year.
- Board recommendation to create a policy for contact completion.
- Board voted and approved that all contracts need to be returned to AVA by 9.15.23.
- Board aligned to create policy prior to next meeting due to needing for the start of the school year. Draft policy will be circulated to board members for review and approval via email.
V. PAC Report by Kim Churchill
- Currently only 2 members.
- Need to recruit more and decide on activities for school year 23-24.
VI. Officers for Board
- Discussion that currently the board only has a president.
- Board voted and approved Kiva Gittings Graves to serve as secretary.
VII. Upcoming Board Topics
- Review ARISE (acronym)
- Lead review/refresh of mission and vision statement.
VIII. Documents provided to Board – via email.
- By-laws
- Charter
IX. Next Meeting
- September 20, 2023
- 2023 meetings will be held the third Wednesdays of each month, 4-5:30 pm
X. Adjourn
2022-2023 Minutes
September 9, 2022
Arise Virtual Academy
Board Meeting September 21, 2022
450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
Call to Order
Board Members Present: Kim Churchill, Craig Schultz
Administration Present: Patricia Hernandez
Review and Approval of Minutes from August 10, 2022
Principal’s Report by Patricia Hernandez
- STAR testing is finishing up for Math and English, will be completed again in January and the spring
- Being done in-person and seeing substantial decrease in scores from last year when was done virtually
- September 30 will be professional development day with team discussing evaluations and goals
- Seeing an increase in students coming into lab – had about 15 today
- Working with Angus Young on the space renovation ideas
- New student orientations are going well
- Have group of 3 staff working on activities for the year
PAC Report by Kim Churchill
- First meeting will be October 3, 2022 at 6 pm via zoom
- First fundraiser will be Boon Supply online
New Board Members
Patricia has confirmed someone from UW-Whitewater and the Job Center
Kim may have someone from The Gazette
Craig will be reaching out to Foremost Media and Crystal Computing
Kim will develop an application and a getting to know the board form
Bylaws Discussion
Will need a President, Vice President, and Secretary
Need at least 5 members, 7-9 would be ideal
Next Meeting
October 11, 2022 at 4 pm
Will decide in October when meetings will be moving forward
Plan for meetings to be 90 minutes in length
October 11, 2022
Arise Virtual Academy Board Meeting
October 11, 2022
450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
Call to Order
- Board Members Present: Kim Churchill, Craig Schultz
- Board Members Absent: Dana Leikness
- Administration Present: Patricia Hernandez
Review and Approval of Minutes from September 21, 2022
Dr. Hernandez noted UW-Whitewater has confirmed a person; not yet sure who it is
Principal’s Report by Patricia Hernandez
Monitors have arrived so all teachers will have dual and docking stations
Smartboard has come in
Will have a TV on wall for announcements and advertising
BTC field trip this week, now have set up so parents can pay for field trips online
Entire school completed the STAR testing
Parents have said they are glad Meet and Greets are being done
Retake Policy has been helpful for all
PAC Report by Kim Churchill
Only Leadership Team attended the October 3, 2022 meeting
First fundraiser will be Boon Supply online – month of November
Need to follow up with parents that signed as interested at the start of the year
Staff activity planning group is meeting every Friday – should have from leadership involved or at least checking in
New Board Members
Possible areas to focus on to recruit from: manufacturing, hospitality, and healthcare (United Alloy, Seneca, Amazon, Dollar General)
Bylaws Discussion
Contract with Janesville Board of Education expires 2024
Kim will do name changes and other edits as able
Need to discuss term limits (possibly rolling) and annual elections
JBOE does not approve members of ARISE board
Next Meeting
November 16, 2022 at 4 pm
Skip December
2023 meetings will be held the third Wednesdays of each month, 4-5:30 pm
November 16, 2022
ARISE Virtual Academy Board Minutes
November 16, 2022 – 4-5:30 p.m.
ARISE Lab – 450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
Board members present:
- Dana Leikness, Craig
Board members not present:
- Kim Churchill
Patty Hernandez called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM.
Consent Agenda Items
The board did not have a quorum so they were not able to approve the consent agenda items (agenda and minutes from September 21, 2022).
Principal’s Report
Patty Hernandez shared the School Improvement Plan. The data included the beginning of the year data points regarding English, math, and attendance. The School Improvement Plan can be found here.
PAC Report
There was no report because Kim Churchill was absent.
New Board Members
There was no new board members or guest present.
Bylaws Discussion
The board members went through the by-laws and edited the items that were obvious to fix. The by-laws can be found here. There was no action taken on the bylaws because there wasn’t enough members present for a quorum. The bylaws reference the SDJ standards of professional practice that all AVA board members need to follow.
Adjournment - Next regular meeting: January 18, 2023
Submitted Dr. Patty Hernandez
February 15, 2023
ARISE Virtual Academy Board Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2023 – 4-5:30 p.m.
ARISE Lab – 450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
Present: Kim Churchill, Dana Leikness, Emily Matteson, Dr. Hernandez
Review and Approval of Minutes from November 16, 2022 – tabled
Principals Report – Patty Hernandez
- Math teacher position has been filled.
- Still looking to fill two para positions.
- Dr. Hernandez went through the School Improvement Plan
- Shared another Culver’s night is scheduled as well as social activities for the students.
PAC Report - Kim Churchill
First fundraiser completed. Meeting again the end of March.
New Board Members – discussion on officers
Hoping to have a few more board members by next month.
Bylaws Discussion
Voting in of new bylaws will require a quorum.
Meeting Calendar for 2023
No meetings in July or December
Graduation will be May 25 at 6 pm
May 17, 2023
ARISE Virtual Academy Board Meeting May 17, 2023 – 4-5:30 p.m.
ARISE Lab – 450 N Crosby Avenue, Janesville, WI
- I. Welcome and Introductions Information
- II. Review and Approval of Minutes
- November 16, 2022
- February 15, 2023
- March 15, 2023
- Discussion &
- Action
- III. Principals Report
- Patty Hernandez
- Information
- IV. PAC Report
- Kim Churchill
- Information
- V. New Board Members
- Discussion on officers
- Discussion &
- Action
- VI. Bylaws Discussion Discussion
- VII. Items for May Agenda Action
- VIII. Adjourn Action